Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You're moving where?

Our decision to move to Lagos, Nigeria was easy enough:  my husband was approached by his boss, he asked me about it (assuming I would say no), we obsessed over the idea for 4 days,  we decided to go for it, he told his boss we were interested, his company approved our relocation as expats.

Boom. Done.

And now we're waiting (it's been an incredibly frustrating couple of months while we wait for a moving date). We're expecting to leave in late November, tentatively.

We are looking forward to this next adventure with equal parts excitement and anxiety. It will certainly be a life-changing couple of years, fraught with many frustrations (safety, culture shock, malaria, boredom, traffic jams, unreliable electricity, non-potable water, corruption... everywhere, homesickness, etc.), but also with many wonderful rewards. And even in the event it all goes horribly wrong (but please God, don't let it), at least we'll have some great stories to tell.